Week Two (MGDP2050)
Lecture notes and exercises for Week Two of Web Design and Development II (MGDP2050).
See also Week One (MGDP2050) - Week Three (MGDP2050).
[hide]- 1 Exercises, not exams
- 2 Project
- 3 Agile software development
- 4 Bootstrap
- 5 Responsive web design (RWD)
- 6 Examples
- 7 Characteristics of responsive web pages
- 8 Responsive layouts
- 9 Web server default file names
- 10 Naming conventions
- 11 Exercises: for next week
- 12 Reading: Project management and Deliverables
Exercises, not exams
This class emphasizes exercises.
There are no midterm or final exams (although there may be short quizzes).
Each student will create a self-directed project over the course of the semester.
- Original design, layout, text content, images
- Using Bootstrap
- Developed over the entire semester
- Due at end of semester
More details to follow.
Agile software development
Last week we briefly discussed Agile software development, a software development methodology which emphasizes adaptability and short units of work.
The classroom experience is similar to the Agile method in a number of ways:
- Weekly class sessions (Agile has "sprints", typically two-week blocks of work)
- Student projects are self-directed (Agile is customer-centric, with developers and customers working interactively)
Bootstrap is a framework for responsive web design.
General discussion
Download Bootstrap
Download Bootstrap here:
Beginners want "Bootstrap" -- not "Source code" or "Sass", which are more advanced versions.
Basic Template
The official Bootstrap website provides a Basic Template, useful for beginners:
Here is the complete text of the Basic Template:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <!-- The above 3 meta tags *must* come first in the head; any other head content must come *after* these tags --> <title>Bootstrap 101 Template</title> <!-- Bootstrap --> <link href="css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- HTML5 shim and Respond.js for IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries --> <!-- WARNING: Respond.js doesn't work if you view the page via file:// --> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src="https://oss.maxcdn.com/html5shiv/3.7.2/html5shiv.min.js"></script> <script src="https://oss.maxcdn.com/respond/1.4.2/respond.min.js"></script> <![endif]--> </head> <body> <h1>Hello, world!</h1> <!-- jQuery (necessary for Bootstrap's JavaScript plugins) --> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.3/jquery.min.js"></script> <!-- Include all compiled plugins (below), or include individual files as needed --> <script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> </body> </html>
You can copy and paste the above source code into your own HTML pages, and work from there.
You will need to modify references to external resources:
- The
attributes thelink
element (External style sheet) - The
attribute of thescript
elements (External JavaScript)
Minimized versus non-minimized CSS
CSS files are often minimized, to save download time.
Whitespace and comments are removed from minimized files.
- File size is smaller -- faster download
- Hard to read -- no whitespace
You may wish to use the non-minimized version while developing a website, and then substitute the minimized version for the final public version of the site.
Responsive web design (RWD)
Responsive web design is a set of web design techniques for creating web pages which look good on a wide range of devices.
Techniques include proportion-based grids, flexible images, and media queries:
- The proportion-based (or fluid) grid concept calls for page element sizing to be in relative units like percentages, rather than absolute units like pixels or points.
- Flexible images are also sized in relative units, so as to prevent them from displaying outside their containing element.
- Media queries allow the page to use different CSS style rules based on characteristics of the device the site is being displayed on, most commonly the width of the browser.
Devices include:
This class will emphasize the Bootstrap framework. However, we will also consider responsive web design in more general terms.
Examples of Bootstrap websites:
Characteristics of responsive web pages
Responsive web pages "respond" to different devices: font size, layout, and other properties change to fit the device.
Recognizing a responsive web page
Browse a web page on a desktop computer, and then on a smaller device (mobile phone, table).
- If the page looks good and behaves correctly on both devices, maybe the page uses responsive web design
- But not always: some servers use other techniques (such as server-side processing).
You can also view a web page on a desktop browser, and make the browser window small enough to simulate a mobile phone or tablet.
- Responsive web pages will change font size, layout, and other design elements, for best fit on a given device
The hamburger menu is nearly universal on responsive web pages.
Responsive layouts
Typical responsive layout
A responsive web page typically has three different layouts:
- Mobile phone - small - one column
- Tablet - medium - two columns
- Desktop - large - three columns
Bootstrap responsive layout
Bootstrap uses four size-based layouts:
- Extra small - phone - one column
- Small - tablet - two columns
- Medium - desktop, laptop - three columns
- Large - wide desktop - three or four columns
Examples, not fixed rules
The above examples are typically examples, not fixed rules.
For instance, the default Bootstrap layout is one column. If you want a one-column page in Large size-based layout, all you have to do is not not add more columns.
Bootstrap does not limit you to a particular layout.
- Bootstrap provides some pre-made CSS (and HTML, and JavaScript) to get you started
- You can then customize the default CSS-HTML-JavaScript as much as you like
- With enough work, any web page that can be made, can be made using Bootstrap (or any other framework)
View Source
Use View Source to view the HTML for a web page which you have identified as responsive.
You can identify a responsive web page by the use of media queries.
You can identify a Bootstrap web page by a <link>
tag pointing to the bootstrap.css
Web server default file names
The file name index.html
has special significance to most web servers.
A web server has a list of default file names, usually including index.html
When the server receives a request, and the request does not specify a file name, the server uses a default file name, if possible.
- In other words, you can omit
from a URL, and if the server actually has a file namedindex.html
, the server returnsindex.html
See Web server default file name.
Naming conventions
A naming convention is a set of rules for assigning names.
Naming conventions are essential to computer programming, and to language and society in general.
See Web page conventions (MGDP2050) for naming conventions related to this class.
Exercises: for next week
Create folder and web page (rwd)
These steps are standard procedure for many exercises.
- In your Local root folder, create a new folder named
- In this new folder, create a file named
- Make this page similar to your Home page (same CSS, similar layout)
- Easy way: copy your Home page HTML, paste into the new page, modify the new page
- Set the page title appropriately, and enter standard exercise content (see ...)
Surf web, find responsive websites
- Browse the World Wide Web for responsive websites.
- Identify three different responsive websites of interest to you.
- "Of interest to you" typically means websites which you admire, and which you might use as examples and inspiration for your own work.
- But "of interest" might also mean the reverse: websites which look bad, which don't work right.
- Or you may have yet other interests -- your choice, anything goes.
Make links to websites of interest
In your new web page, do this for each of the three responsive websites you selected:
- State the name of the website
- Provide a link to the website
- Write a short statement (one paragraph, maybe two) about why you selected the website as an example.
Create folder and web page (project)
This folder and web page relates to your class project.
- In your Local root folder, create a new folder named
- In this new folder, create a file named
- Make this page similar to your Home page (same CSS, similar layout)
- Set the page title appropriately, and enter standard exercise content (see ...)
Do you have an idea for a project?
- If so, describe the idea (one or two paragraphs)
- If not, describe three potential ideas (one or two sentences each)
Make sketch for wireframe
Make three simple pen-and-paper sketches for your project, for three device sizes:
- Mobile phone
- Tablet
- Desktop
Simplify everything: emphasize functionality, minimize design.
Design considerations include:
- What will the user see first?
- How will the user navigate?
These sketches form a simple website wireframe -- a tool to help you plan your project.
Reading: Project management and Deliverables
Project management
Read the Project management page, have a general working knowledge of the subject.
We will discuss, and use, various project management techniques in the class.
The outcome of a project is the deliverable, or more often deliverables.
In this class, student deliverables include exercises and your project.