Web page conventions (MGDP2050)
Student web pages should follow these conventions:
[hide]Local root folder
All of your web page files (the HTML documents, CSS documents, image files, etc.) go in a folder known as the local root folder (or various similar names).
- Local because it's on your local computer (as opposed to Remote -- the web server)
- Root because it contains your Home page, along with sub-folders
File naming conventions
- Always spell file and folder names as specified in exercises
- Where not specified, your choice of file and folder names -- but see file naming restrictions below
File naming restrictions
Names of files and folders:
- Must begin with a letter
- Must be letters which have keys on a standard keyboard
- Must not contain space characters
- Must not contain any of the following characters (unless you can justify why you need it):
~ @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) { } [ ] | \ / ? < > , : ;
Acceptable (other than first character in name):
- Numbers
- Hyphen
- Underscore
Note that the neither the hyphen nor the underscore is a "dash". There is no "dash" key on a standard keyboard.
Web page styles
All of your web pages must:
- Use responsive web design
- Use Bootstrap or some other CSS framework
- Be legible
Use consistent styles and layout across your site.
Be creative -- express yourself -- design and decorate to suit your own taste
Web page title
Each web page should have a unique title, consisting of two elements and a separator:
Your Name - Page Subject
Or, if you prefer:
Page Subject - Your Name
Popular separators include -
and |
See Title (HTML).
Standard page content
Standard page content:
- Your name
- Title of exercise
- Link from exercise to Home page
On your Home page, make links to all of your exercises.
On your individual exercise pages, make a link back to your Home page.
Some exercises will consist of two or more web pages; it may be convenient to make links between these pages.
There is no need to make page-to-page links between all of the pages.