Zen Cart extensibility

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Zen Cart extensibility is the extensibility principle as it applies to Zen Cart.

See also Learning Zen Cart (1).


See Zen Cart plugin.

Observer class

The Observer Class allows a plugin to listen for for (observe) an event (a notification) and provide additional processing.

This notifier/observer interface also works in the Zen Cart admin panel.

Adding a notifier at specific processing points in the popular (e.g. orders.php, customer.php) admin pages, and providing observer code to insert their customization, may help installation and upgrade processes go much more smoothly.

Require login for EZ page



Around line 23:

if ($ezpage_id == 0) zen_redirect(zen_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT));

Right below that, insert the following code, substituting '55' with the number of the page to protect:

if ($ezpage_id == 55) {

if (!$_SESSION['customer_id']) {


zen_redirect(zen_href_link(FILENAME_LOGIN, , 'SSL'));



See also