Zen Cart extensibility
Zen Cart extensibility is the extensibility principle as it applies to Zen Cart.
See Zen Cart plugin.
Observer class
The Observer Class allows a plugin to listen for for (observe) an event (a notification) and provide additional processing.
This notifier/observer interface also works in the Zen Cart admin panel.
Adding a notifier at specific processing points in the popular (e.g. orders.php
, customer.php
) admin pages, and providing observer code to insert their customization, may help installation and upgrade processes go much more smoothly.
Require login for EZ page
Around line 23:
if ($ezpage_id == 0) zen_redirect(zen_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT));
Right below that, insert the following code, substituting '55' with the number of the page to protect:
if ($ezpage_id == 55) {
if (!$_SESSION['customer_id']) {
zen_redirect(zen_href_link(FILENAME_LOGIN, , 'SSL'));