Permission to use copyrighted material

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Permission to use copyrighted material typically involves a five-step procedure:

  • Determine if permission is needed.
  • Identify the owner.
  • Identify the rights needed.
  • Contact the owner and negotiate whether payment is required.
  • Get your permission agreement in writing.

Sample permission request letter

Sample Letter Requesting Permission to Reproduce Copyrighted Material

Permissions Department

Dear ___________________:

I am writing to ask your permission to (check all that apply)

_____	reprint
_____	photocopy
_____	digitize
_____	incorporate into

_____	course materials
_____	online course materials
_____	a dissertation/thesis
_____	a website publication	
the following material:



	Vol:	Issue:

	Page #(s):	Figure/	Table #(s):
		Image #(s:)


The material will be distributed/published as follows:	

	Purpose:  [Not-for-profit,  educational]

	Number of Copies:


If you do not control copyright in the requested materials, I would appreciate any information you can provide about others to whom I should write, including most recent address if available.



I have the authority to grant the permission requested herein and I hereby grant Cornell University permission to use the above referenced material in the manner described.

I request that the credit line read:



Copyright Holder's Signature

Author's Name			





See also

External links