Zen Cart mod
From Wiki @ Karl Jones dot com
Modification for Zen Cart:
- Integrate a procurement portal.
- Using Single Sign On (SSO) - Security Assertion Markup Language (ADFS) authentication
Need the user to authenticate user.
Once the user is authenticated, need to respond with content specific to that user's level of access.
The SSO only needs to happen on the user side, not the admin side.
- User front-end Zen Cart v1.5.4
- Single Sign On (SSO) using SAML (ADFS) authentication
End customer has an ADFS 2.0 public facing environment (Staging, Pre-Prod, Prod) supporting SAML protocol.
SAML integration would be for authentication only (authorization - i.e. application roles, granular application permissions to be maintained within application).
Staging first for time sensitivity, quickly assess that there are no major technical issues.
Link to Staging ADFS v2 metadata and permissions.
SimpleSAML may be useful: (https://simplesamlphp.org/).
- The remote option is only available if you have all your own "equipment"