WordPress custom taxonomy
In WordPress, a custom taxonomy is a system of classification for organizing WordPress Posts.
WordPress provides two taxonomies: Categories and Tags.
You add custom taxonomies of your own: like Categories or Posts, but using terminology customized for a specific purpose.
Custom taxonomies create new web pages which users can browse for more detailed information.
For example, custom taxonomies related to a Custom Post Type named "Products" might include:
- Color (black, white red)
- Size (small, medium, large)
- Material (fabric, leather, wood)
Custom taxonomies are most useful for large web sites with large amounts of relatively complex information.
Making Custom Taxonomies
Use a WordPress plugin, such as:
- Custom Post Type UI - "Admin UI for creating custom post types and custom taxonomies in WordPress"
- Types - "Easily create custom post types, custom fields and custom taxonomy and connect everything together."
- Custom Post Types and Custom Fields creator - WCK
See also:
Write the code yourself?
You can write the PHP code for custom taxonomies, but plugins are much faster, and completely reliable (unlike writing code, which is subject to error).
See also
External links
- Taxonomies @ codex.wordpress.org
- Taxonomy templates @ developer.wordpress.org
- How To Create Custom Taxonomies In WordPress @ Smashing Magazine
- How to Create Custom Taxonomies in WordPress @ WP Beginner