Week Eleven (MGDP2050)
Lecture notes and exercises for Week Eleven of Web Design and Development II (MGDP2050).
See also Week Ten (MGDP2050) - Week Twelve (MGDP2050).
[hide]Lecture notes
See Week Eleven lecture notes (MGDP2050).
Exercises: in class
This is an exercise in user research, user experience, and related topics.
User persona forms
Instructor will hand out User persona forms.
Write your name on both forms, to identify yourself. (Don't fill out the informational boxes -- those are for the fictional persona.)
User research
This is a group exercise. Organize yourself into groups of two to several people.
Go around the group, each student acting as "reseacher", the others as "subject(s)".
- Briefly explain your project website to the subject(s).
- Describe the typical visitor, or visitors -- the actors, in user experience terminology.
- Describe what the actors do
- Try to characterize two actors:
- One typical actor, the average visitor
- One less typical actor, or actor different in some way (for example, an administrator who needs to log in)
- Create a two fictional persona, based on the researcher's description of the website
- Fill out a User persona forms -- invent name, background, etc. -- for each persona.
Exercises: for next week
User persona form
Design your own user persona form, similar to the examples from the lecture notes and in-exercise, but customized to meet your needs.
The goal is to design a form that you might actually use someday.
Make it a one-page printable form.
It can be in any format, so long as it is easily printable as a one-page document.
You can make a printable web page -- in this, your Week Eleven web page (see below) is the printable form.
Or you can provide the form in some other format, and link to it from your Week Eleven page.
PDF is a useful format.
Word processor is okay. LibreOffice is ideal. Microsoft Word is acceptable. Text files are acceptable.
Create week11 folder and web pages
Create a new folder named week11, and a new web page named index.html, with the usual exercise styles, title, etc.
Either use this page as the persona form, or include a link to your persona form document.
Home page
On your Home page, include a link to your Week Eleven page.
Upload work to server, and test
Upload all files to your classroom web server.
Study these examples for next week
- http://code.karljones.com/css/ CSS 3 examples] @ code.karljones.com