Miguel de la Torre

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Miguel de la Torre y Pando, conde de Torrepando (13 December 1786, in Bernales – 1843, in Madrid) was a Spanish General, Governor and Captain General, who served in Spain, Venezuela, Colombia and Puerto Rico during the Spanish American wars of independence and after.

Puerto Rico

In 1822, the government appointed him captain general of Puerto Rico, arriving on the island in December 1823.

The following year he was also appointed governor of the island. In collaboration with his intendant, Dr. José Domingo Díaz, whom he knew from his days in Venezuela, La Torre's main concern was preventing a rebellion on the island.

Carefully controlling the government, he instituted a policy which he called baile, botella y baraja ("dance, drink and dice"), implying that a well entertained population will not think about revolution.


See also

External links

Miguel de la Torre