Microsoft Access examples and tutorials
From Wiki @ Karl Jones dot com
This article lists examples and tutorials for Microsoft Access.
The list is not comprehensive -- I add links and examples as I need them.
Treeview and listview problems in Access 2013
Copied MsComCtl.ocx from my Windows 7 computer with Office 2010. Placed in C:\Windows\SysWow64 folder, AND c:\Windows\System32 folder Registered it. Decompiled, and recompiled my Access application. Deleted treeview control from form, and added a “new” treeview control.
Finding the MSComctlLib on a 64 Bit version of Windows and setting the reference with code. What this code does is open the database check which version of Access computer is running (32 or 64 Bit), then checks what version of Windows (32 or 64 Bit) then removes the reference to the MSComctlLib (MSCOMCTL.OCX), then sets the reference to the MSComctlLib (MSCOMCTL.OCX) from the correct location. Why would anyone need to do this is because the reference is located in different folders depending on which version of Windows the computer is running. You need to check which version of Access so you use the proper code to call the API’s used. This will eliminate errors on different computer configurations saving confusion and the need to fix the missing reference manually. I have attached the code in a text document used to create a demo.
Database and recordset
Select records
Insert, Update, Delete records
- Insert, Update, and Delete Records From a Table Using Access SQL
- INSERT INTO Statement
- How to do INSERT into a table records extracted from another table
Queries and filters
Form controls
Use TreeView to display and manage hierarchal data.
- Using the TreeView control @ MSDN
- Sample Procedure to Fill a TreeView Control Recursively @
- Treeview basics, loading information into the treeview - TheSmileyCoder @ YouTube
- Add Method (Nodes Collection)
- Adds a Node object to a Treeview control's Nodes collection.
- Syntax: object.Add(relative, relationship, key, text, image, selectedimage)
See also:
Use Listbox to display and manage lists data (non-hierarchal)
Subforms properties
- How to Refer to a Control on a Subform or Subreport
- Refer to Form and Subform properties and controls
- ClearList() and SelectAll() functions
- Create a search form and lookup List in Microsoft Access @ YouTube
- How do you dynamically create controls on a MS Access form?
- Loop Read Data to Listbox
- Referring to Forms and Controls