Libraries and frameworks (computing)

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In computer science, the terms library and framework have similar and overlapping meanings.


Both library and framework refer to computer programs intended to be used by other computer programs.

Libraries and frameworks "invent the wheel", so to speak. You can then use these "wheels" in your own programs. You do not need to "re-invent the wheel".

Library versus framework

There is no formal, technical distinction between a library and a framework (computing).

In general:

  • Library is the smaller concept
  • Framework is the larger concept

Different sub-fields within computer science may use the terms in somewhat different ways, although the general principle tends to be the same.

Different computer programmers may have different opinions about what is a library versus what is a framework.


Adrian Mejia:

Using a library YOU are in control, but using a framework there is an inversion of control: the framework calls you.

Libraries give you a lot of flexibility, while frameworks has opinionated ways of doing things but can save you writing boiler plate code.


See also