Learning SimpleSAMLphp (1)
From Wiki @ Karl Jones dot com
This article introduces SimpleSAMLphp.
- Some knowledge of Security Assertion Markup Language
- Some knowledge of PHP
- Some webserver capable of executing PHP scripts.
- PHP version >= 5.3.0.
- Support for the following PHP extensions:
- Always required: date, dom, hash, libxml, openssl, pcre, SPL, zlib, mcrypt
- When authenticating against LDAP server: ldap
- When authenticating against RADIUS server: radius
- When saving session information to memcache-server: memcache
- When using database:
- Always: PDO
- Database driver: (mysql, pgsql, ...)
What actual packages are required for the various extensions varies between different platforms and distributions.
See Prerequisites.
SimpleSAMLphp packages
Packages with the current simpleSAMLphp versions:
Git repository
The core library handling the basic SAML stuff (messages, bindings, and so on) has been detached from SimpleSAMLphp, and can now be found in github:
SimpleSAMLphp itself has been moved to github too, and you will find it here:
See also Instructions to install from the repository.
Configure and install
See Learning SimpleSAMLphp (2).