Geometric primitive

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In computer graphics, the term geometric primitive is used in various senses, with the common meaning of the simplest (i.e. 'atomic' or irreducible) geometric objects that the system can handle (draw, store).


Sometimes the subroutines that draw the corresponding objects are called "geometric primitives" as well. The most "primitive" primitives are point and straight line segment, which were all that early vector graphics systems had.

In constructive solid geometry, primitives are simple geometric shapes such as a cube, cylinder, sphere, cone, pyramid, torus.

Modern 2D computer graphics systems may operate with primitives which are lines (segments of straight lines, circles and more complicated curves), as well as shapes (boxes, arbitrary polygons, circles).

A common set of two-dimensional primitives includes lines, points, and polygons, although some people prefer to consider triangles primitives, because every polygon can be constructed from triangles.

All other graphic elements are built up from these primitives.

In some cases, curves (such as Bézier curves, circles, etc.) may be considered primitives; in other cases, curves are complex forms created from many straight, primitive shapes.

Common primitives

Commonly used geometric primitives include:

  • points
  • lines and line segments
  • planes
  • circles and ellipses
  • triangles and other polygons
  • spline curves

3D primitives

In three dimensions, triangles or polygons positioned in three-dimensional space can be used as primitives to model more complex 3D forms.

In 3D applications, basic geometric shapes and forms are considered to be primitives rather than the above list. Such shapes and forms include:

These are considered to be primitives in 3D modelling because they are the building blocks for many other shapes and forms.

A 3D package may also include a list of extended primitives which are more complex shapes that come with the package, such as the Utah teapot.

See also

External links