Cross and circle game

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Cross and circle is a board game design, typically race games

Cross and circle games have been played since antiquity.


Strictly, the design comprises a circle divided into four equal portions by a cross inscribed inside it; the classic example of this design is Yut.

However, the term "cross and circle" is typically taken to include boards that replace the circle with a square, and cruciform boards that collapse the circle onto the cross; all three types are topologically equivalent.

Ludo and Parcheesi (both descendants of Pachisi) are frequently played cruciform games.

The category may also be expanded to include circular or square boards without a cross which are nevertheless quartered (Zohn Ahl), and boards that have more than four "spokes" (Aggravation, Trivial Pursuit).

The Aztec game board for Patolli consists of a collapsed circle without an interior cross and thus has the distinction of being a cross that is a circle (topologically), without being a cross plus circle.

Tokens are moved around spaces drawn on the circle and on the cross, with the goal of being the first player to move all tokens all the way around the board.

Generally the circle of the cross and circle forms the primary circuit followed by the players' pieces.

The function of the cross is more variable; for example, in Yut the cross forms shortcuts to the finish, while in Pachisi the four "spokes" are used as player-specific exits and entrances to the pieces' home.

In non-race games (like Coppit and Trivial Pursuit) all paths may be undifferentiated in function.

See also

External links