Artificial intelligence commentary

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This article contains commentary on artificial intelligence.

"For decades, AI researchers have been going spastic in a way that is not very pretty to watch."

Johannes Grenzfurthner said:

I was (and am) easy to enthuse, and I have always been interested in new ideas. Still, I am also a classic, "yeah, but" sayer. Take robotics, for example, which has always been a hobbyhorse for me. For decades, AI researchers have been going spastic in a way that is not very pretty to watch. Modernity was looking toward the moon as the next step in the big future of mining and looting, and at first it all seemed possible. The first artificial brain was prognosticated for the turn of the millennium, but de facto in the year 2016 I don't even trust my toaster.

Source: The story of Traceroute - interview @ Boing Boing

See also