Week One Exercises (MGDP2060)

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This article contains exercises for Week One of Web Design and Development III (MGDP2060).

Create a web hosting account with x10hosting

Create a free web hosting account with x10hosting for your class exercises.

See x10hosting account example.

Browse your web site

Browse the URL for your web hosting account using a web browser of your choice, to confirm that the URL exists.

Instructor's example:


Install WordPress

Install WordPress on your web hosting account using the automated installer in cPanel.

See x10hosting WordPress installation.

Create local folders and subfolders for exercises

By "local folders", we mean folders on your computer (or flash drive), where you store your work.

Create a set of folders and subfolders like this:

    • public_ftp
    • public_html

Replace YOUR-DOMAIN with the short form of your URL, similar to: mgdp.x10hosting.com

Send URL to instructor

Send an email to the instructor - karl.jones@hennepintech.edu - with the URL for your website.

Reading for next week

Study the first three chapters of WordPress: The Missing Manual for next week.