UT3 material

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In Unreal Tournament 3, a material represents a surface: surface images, surface textures, surface lighting, etc.


Here are some of the materials which I have used from time to time for a variety of purposes:


  • LT_TexFX.Materials.M_FX_EnergySpray
  • HU_Deco.SM.Materials.M_HU_Deco_SM_Chainlink02

Team materials

Team Logo Red:

  • MaterialInstanceConstant'UN_Team.SM.Materials.MI_UN_Team_SM_LED_RedLogo_02'

Team Logo Blue:

  • MaterialInstanceConstant'UN_Team.SM.Materials.MI_UN_Team_SM_LED_BlueLogo'

Arrow Red:

  • MaterialInstanceConstant'UN_Team.SM.Mesh.S_UN_Team_SM_LED_Base'

Arrow Blue:

  • MaterialInstanceConstant'UN_Team.MI_UN_Team_SM_LED_Base_Blue'

See also