Zen Cart plugin
From Wiki @ Karl Jones dot com
Revision as of 10:38, 13 October 2015 by Karl Jones (Talk | contribs)
A Zen Cart plugin is a plugin for WordPress.
See also Zen Cart admin menu.
zen_register_admin_page ($page_key, $language_key, $main_page, $page_params, $menu_key, $display_on_menu, $sort_order);
is a unique text id -
language _key
is the name of the define for the page name that would previous have been used in the box files (for compatibility with existing language packs) -
is the define startingFILENAME_
used in the box file and code to direct to the admin page -
are whatever parameters are needed for the page (generally relevant only to configuration and modules pages -
is a foreign key for the admin_menus table -
is a char with value "Y" or "N" depending on whether it's a page visible on the admin menu, or a subpage called by another page -
is a numeric value indicating how high up the menu the entry would appear, a high value sinks it down
Create a file that goes in:
Sample content (minus obligatory comments which should already have been added for good coding standards:
PHP Code:
<code> if (!defined('IS_ADMIN_FLAG')) { die('Illegal Access'); } $autoLoadConfig[199][] = array( 'autoType' => 'init_script', 'loadFile' => 'init_ceon_uri_mapping_config.php' ); </code> Then create a file in <code>admin/includes/init_includes</code> Sample content: PHP Code: <code> if (!defined('IS_ADMIN_FLAG')) { die('Illegal Access'); } if (function_exists('zen_register_admin_page')) { if (!zen_page_key_exists('ceon_uri_mapping_config')) { // Add the link to the Ceon URI Mapping Config Utility zen_register_admin_page('ceon_uri_mapping_config', 'BOX_CEON_URI_MAPPING', 'FILENAME_CEON_URI_MAPPING_CONFIG', '', 'modules', 'Y', 40); } } // Now that the menu item has been created/registered, can stop the wasteful process of having // this script run again by removing it from the auto-loader array @unlink(DIR_FS_ADMIN . DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'auto_loaders/config.ceon_uri_mapping_config.php'); </code>