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Magento is an open source content management system for e-commerce websites.

The software was originally developed by Varien Inc., a US private company headquartered in Culver City, California, with assistance from volunteers.

Varien published the first general-availability release of the software on March 31, 2008. Roy Rubin, former CEO of Varien, later sold a substantial share of the company to eBay, which is now the sole owner.

According to research conducted by aheadWorks in October 2014, Magento's market share among the 30 most popular e-commerce platforms is about 30%.

Magento employs the MySQL relational database management system, the PHP programming language, and elements of the Zend Framework.

It applies the conventions of object-oriented programming and model-view-controller architecture.

Magento also uses the entity–attribute–value model to store data.

See also

External links