Week Fourteen (MGDP2060)

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This article lists topics for Week Fourteen of Web Design and Development III (MGDP2060).


Your deliverables for this class consist of:

  • A custom WordPress theme
  • Using responsive web design
    • Bootstrap, unless you choose to do something else
  • With a responsive navigation menu

Theme must include all files, images, etc.

Zip your theme folder into a .zip file.

Extended due date

Deliverables are due the day before grades are due.

  • December 23?

Template #4

See WordPress theme example 4.

WordPress and JavaScript

See WordPress and JavaScript.

Hosting services

A web hosting service provides web servers for clients.

Unless you (or your company) maintains its own servers, you are probably using a web hosting service for your websites.

Services are not limited to web hosting. Hosting services typically include:

  • Web hosting
  • FTP hosting
    • Upload files to web host
    • Upload files to non-web folder
  • Email hosting
  • Database hosting (for WordPress, MediaWiki, etc.)
  • Registration of a single domain name
    • Typically not with the hosting service itself, but a registrar associated with the hosting service
  • Can host multiple domain names in single account

Domain names

Domain names, such as some-domain.com, must be registered with with a Registrar service.

Registering a domain name does not, in itself, make the domain appear on the web.

You must first configure your registry entry to specify the web hosting service which hosts your website.

This configuration may be automatic, for example when you sign up for a web hosting account and get a "free domain name" with the account.

Or you may need to configure your domain registration settings yourself, as you register additional domain names.


  • Semester review
  • Special topics by request

See also