PHP code island

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In PHP, a code island (or code block) is a region of a PHP file which contains PHP code.

Code island markers

A code island consists of a open marker and a close marker, like this:



Or it could be expressed on a single line, like this:

<?php ?>

PHP code

All of your PHP code must be inside a code island. PHP code only functions as PHP code when it appears inside a code island.

PHP code islands must not include HTML, CSS or JavaScript; using these languages inside a code island will trigger a PHP error.

Mixing PHP code and HTML

A PHP file commonly contains a mix of PHP code and HTML. The file might contain multiple code islands, divided by blocks of HTML. (

Or, the PHP file might contain only PHP code, without any HTML. In this case, it is common practice to omit the code island closing marker.


The example below shows a PHP code island inside a paragraph element:

  echo "Hello World";

The above code sample is a mix of HTML (a paragraph tag), and a PHP code island (which will display "Hello World" for the user, inside the paragraph.

The echo keyword generates the text Hello World (the text inside the quotation marks -- not the quotes themselves).

Code island location

When mixing code islands and HTML, the location of the code island(s) depends upon what the PHP code does:

  • Code islands that generate text are located where the text needs to appear with respect to the HTML.
  • Some code islands appear at the top of the file, above the HTML.
  • Some code islands appear at the bottom of the page, after the HTML.
  • Some code islands can be positioned anywhere; it is good practice to use a consistent location, such as the top of the file.

See also

External links