Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute
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The Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute (SCI) is a research institute located on the University of Utah campus in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Its objective is to create new scientific computing techniques, tools, and systems with applications to various fields, including:
- High performance computing
- Scientific visualization
- Image analysis
- Computational biology
- Data science
- Graphics
Open source software releases
Besides research in the areas mentioned above, a particular focus of SCI has been to develop innovative and robust software packages, and release them as open-source software.
The latest releases and source code lives on Github.
- SCIRun, a Problem Solving Environment (PSE), for modeling, simulation and visualization of scientific problems.
- BioMesh3D, a tetrahedral mesh generator, that is capable of generating multi-material quality meshes out of segmented biomedical image data.
- Seg3D, an interactive image segmentation tool.
- ImageVis3D, a lightweight, feature-rich volume rendering application.
- Visus, Visualization Streams for Ultimate Scalability.
- ShapeWorks, a new method for constructing compact statistical point-based models of ensembles of similar shapes that does not rely on any specific surface parameterization.
- map3d, a scientific visualization application written to display and edit three-dimensional geometric models and scalar time-based data associated with those models.
- Uintah, a set of software components and libraries that facilitate the solution of partial differential equations on structured adaptive mesh refinement grids using hundreds to thousands of processors.
- FiberViewer, a comprehensive, integrated, open-source environment for medical image visualization and analysis.
- AtlasWerks, an open-source (BSD license) software package for medical image atlas generation.
- NCR Toolset, a collection of software tools for the reconstruction and visualization of neural circuitry from electron microscopy data.
- FluoRender, an interactive rendering tool for confocal microscopy data visualization.
- ElVis, a visualization system created for the accurate and interactive visualization of scalar fields produced by high-order spectral/hp finite element simulations.
- VisTrails, a scientific workflow management system.
- Afront, a tool for meshing and remeshing surfaces.
- Cleaver, A MultiMaterial Tetrahedral Meshing API and Application.
- EpiCanvas, Infectious Disease Weather Map.
- FEBio, is a nonlinear finite element solver that is specifically designed for biomechanical applications.
- PreView, a Finite Element (FE) pre-processor that has been designed specifically to set up FE problems for FEBio
- PostView, a Finite Element (FE) post-processor that is designed to post-process the results from FEBio.
- STCR, a MATLAB-based program to reconstruct undersampled DCE radial data, with compressed sensing methods.
- ExoshapeAccel, a C/C++ application for estimating continuous evolution from a discrete collection of shapes, designed to produce realistic anatomical trajectories.
- VISPACK, a C++ library that includes matrix, image, and volume objects.
- Teem, a collection of libraries for representing, processing, and visualizing scientific raster data.
See also
- Computational biology
- Computer graphics
- Data science
- Graphics
- High performance computing
- Image analysis
- Raster data
- Scientific computing
- Scientific visualization
- Signal processing
- Uncertainty quantification