XML Information Set

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XML Information Set (XML Infoset) is a W3C specification describing an abstract data model of an XML document in terms of a set of information items.

(TO DO: expand, organize, cross-reference, illustrate.)


The definitions in the XML Information Set specification are meant to be used in other specifications that need to refer to the information in a well-formed XML document.

An XML document has an information set if it is well-formed and satisfies the namespace constraints. There is no requirement for an XML document to be valid in order to have an information set.

An information set can contain up to eleven different types of information items:

  • The Document Information Item (always present)
  • Element Information Items
  • Attribute Information Items
  • Processing Instruction Information Items
  • Unexpanded Entity Reference Information Items
  • Character Information Items
  • Comment Information Items
  • The Document Type Declaration Information Item
  • Unparsed Entity Information Items
  • Notation Information Items
  • Namespace Information Items

See also

External links