Week Three Exercises (MGDP2060)

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This article contains exercises for Week Three of Web Design and Development III (MGDP2060).


See printed handout (PDF).

FTP for file sharing

  • Create an FTP account for "client1"
  • Be sure to use subfolder "client1" inside "public_ftp"
  • Make arrangements with one or more other students to exchange files
    • Upload a file (an image, a document, anything) to the other student's FTP account
    • Download the file(s) you received
  • Email you FTP credentials (FTP host, username, password) to the instructor

Chapter Four

  • Dashboard Practice: Changing Basic Settings (pages 91-92)
  • Choosing a Starter Theme (93) – use the "2012" Theme, per the book
  • Creating a Post (91-97)
  • Browse Your Posts (98-100)
  • Delayed Publishing (100-102)
  • Edit Post (102-103) – edit one or more of your Posts, your choice
  • Delete a Post (103-104)
  • Create a Sticky Post (104-105)
    • Then add another regular (non-sticky) post.
    • View your website. Confirm that the sticky post appears first, and the newer regular post appears second.
  • Categories (107-109) – create one or more new Categories of your choice, and assign your Posts to these Categories as you see fit.
  • Using Subcategories (110-112) – create subcategories under a category of your choice, and make the Categories Widget "Show Category".
  • Managing Categories (112-113) – use the Categories page to view your Categories.
    • Optional: add, edit, or delete Categories
  • Tagging Posts (114-115) – Add one or more Tags to each of your Posts.
    • Managing Tags – Use theTags page to view your Tags (optional: add, delete, edit tags)
  • Permalinks (117-119) – review settings, change if you wish.
  • Changing a Posts's Permalink (119-120) – change the Post Permalink for one or more Posts.
  • Performing Bulk Actions () - study the Bulk Actions list, take any Bulk Actions you see fit.

Chapter Five

  • Customizing the Header (145-150) – create or acquire an image, and upload to site.
  • Background, other Theme options (150-151) – set Background and other options, your choice.
  • Customizing Your Widgets (154-167) – and and edit Widgets of your choice. Try several.

Project planning

  • Start planning to make a WordPress site of your own – a real-world website.
  • Think about what kind of site you want: blog, portfolio, business, etc.
  • Browse the WordPress Showcase for inspiration: https://wordpress.org/showcase/