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JavaScript (/ˈdʒɑːvɑːˌskrɪpt/; JS), also known as ECMAScript, is a dynamic programming language.


It is most commonly used as part of web browsers, whose implementations include client-side scripts which perform a wide range of tasks, including:

Web applications

JavaScript is widely used for web applications, including single-page applications.

Programming paradigms

JavaScript is classified as a prototype-based scripting language with dynamic typing and first-class functions. This mix of features makes it a multi-paradigm language, supporting object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles.

Non-web uses for JavaScript

JavaScript is also used in environments that aren not web-based, such as PDF documents, site-specific browsers, and desktop widgets.

Just-in-time compilation

On the client side, JavaScript has been traditionally implemented as an interpreted language, but more recent browsers perform just-in-time compilation.

Server-side JavaScript

JavaScript is also used in server-side network programming with runtime environments such as Node.js, game development and the creation of desktop and mobile applications.

Newer and faster JavaScript virtual machines (VMs) and platforms built upon them have also increased the popularity of JavaScript for server-side web applications.


JavaScript has been standardized in the ECMAScript language specification.

JavaScript is not Java

Despite some naming, syntactic, and standard library similarities, JavaScript and Java are otherwise unrelated and have very different semantics.

See also

External links

JavaScript graphics:

  • Dwitter - JavaScript animations using 140 characters or less